Euchre Tournaments (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: Euchre Tournaments
Euchre Tournaments 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 2
Should the team that wins first and posts first or even posts a second post before the other last table of teams even finish,do you people here think that it is right for the host not to give seat choice to the team that has finished and posted. The host recognized the first winners post,because she asked them to wait a minute.So, when the other game finished ,she gave that team the seat choice.Maybe,it's because that other team had a host playing on that table,just maybe.Then again,maybe that other team is her favorite.It's not the first time it has happened,nor will it be the last.After seeing this,I will choose the tournaments I play more carefully
Re:Euchre Tournaments 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 26
I think its wrong to jump to conclusions and act childish over it like you did ...
!st of all the Host was playing in the Game and with all the chat going on she missed your post However Backatya and I got up to give you your seat choice before you started complaining , you wouldn't sit , you chose to make an issue and create some lobby drama over it..
I think you owe Pebbles an apology
Gold Boarder
Posts: 189
Last Edit: 2012/05/15 21:22 By Bango.
Re:Euchre Tournaments 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 69
I think its a shame that you chose to make a big Issue of this in the lobby. U could have pm'd her and let her know she had missed you. Bango had offered you choice of seats before then anyway... Pebbles was subbing and hosting and the 8pm is a big tourney... the chat goes past quickly and it is easy to miss 2 or even 3 posts....
Pebbles does an awesome job as do all our hosts...
So try Hosting and then criticise .. its just a Game..
Re:Euchre Tournaments 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 2
there were only 2 teams lefted and one of em won and posted twice,exactly 4 minutes before the other table had finished.So, with only 2 tables ,how much confusion can there be?.She saw our post and told us to wait a minute. Seems to me she could have easily said to sit for finals at the table ,that i'm sure she had in her mind. she is not new at this.However ,she chose to wait until the finish of other game,and sat bango and back, then sat us.Just the opposite of what u and jazzzyy both do.The issue i am making is follow the procedure that all the other hosts do and what we as players are accustomed too. Secondly, there will be no apology from me because the facts are: she showed favor to u and back or she does as she wants. If any apology is needed ,i suggest she make one to Beejee,as for me i could care less.In closing ,i will tell u, i have played a good many years now,and have watched the hosts conduct their t's,but what she did last night was a glowing case of favoritism and she got caught.What's even worse Bee and i saw it coming. Not buying the idea that she was overwhelmed at that point in the tourney.Keep em fair and simple,don't think thats asking too much.
Re:Euchre Tournaments 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 2
i have seen you and many others play and host at the same time,and yes 8 pm t's are large,but it was the end of the t with only 2 tables lefted, i fail to see the stress at that point. however i have never seen you or bango or any other host blatanly disrespect other players. yes,its just a game,and with that said,we earned the right to chose our seats,but she chose otherwise.i think i have a right to speak my mind the same as you do.
Re:Euchre Tournaments 12 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 69
you always have 2 choices Hunter PLAY or DONT PLAY ... it happened its over and move right along .. ....ITS A GAME....
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