Does anyone have a list or know where a list of the sounds are....All of my flip sounds pages are gone....
It's GREAT TO BE BACK! around my Hoyle Buddies!...Last night someone had played the laugh sound, my husband looked up - I said to him " been a while since you heard that huh"... He just laughed n said yea!
Alt 1 = applause
alt 2 = wow
3 = oh gnarly
4 = whatever
5 = inconceivable
6 = awwwwww
7 = ruffff
8 = pant pant
9 = ahem
0 = fun yet
Q = yayayay
w = laugh
E = burp
R = fart
T = Hey
Y = squawkkkk
U = you go girl
I = goofed
O = having fun yet ?
P = nananana