The amazing adventures of Inki Winki (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: The amazing adventures of Inki Winki
Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 15 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 334
~bumped up thread~ feel free to continue
Posts: 795
Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 159
Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: -25
lol.... this is so funny.. i wasn't here that long... but thank you for story...Nidi,your very funny.. this was awsome.. wet_wild had told me about these...ty for sharing
Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 159
For the last 2 years inki has been pretending to cook and clean for his mother, but secretly he has been brushing things under the rug and ordering from mcdonalds. Today his usual delivery person can't make it and gives the order to Dazey to deliver. As she arrives at the peaceful island in the sun, she is amazed to find that her delivery has taken her to none other than Inki's home. She begins talking to his mom about something she read. Inki's mom realizes that all these years of punishment has not made inki realize the value of doing things for yourself. She tells Dazey ...... take him i can't take care of him forever. Inki looks up a dazey with big liquid brown puppy dog eyes and says ........ help me to find gay ray and lost. Lost truly cares about me. Dazey shrugs and says well i was curious as to what happened with gay ray and lost ... let's go and find them. So off dazey and inki go .................................
Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 3
So as Dazey and inky are traveling to find lost and gay ray, inky tries to impress Dazey with his sexy charm. Dazey is getting more frustrated as time goes on secretly plotting his demise. She decides to ask for more help and calls her friends num and wet to come along to help with her evil plans.......
Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 14 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Num and I meet with Dazed to decide what to do.
I think we should bring him to Canada and tie him to a tree in the middle of the woods. Then make him strip down to his tighty widies and pour honey all over him and wait for the Grizzlies to come.
I think it will freak the shit out him. What do you think?
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