Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 17 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 42
What Inky and gay ray dont know is that Lost was picked up by a very upset Nidi... Has she really picked the proper subjects for this quest.. Lost not sayin much but *perking* alot lookin at nidi ubdressing her with every fiber he can... Stop lookin at me like that... and with his best "JOEY" Impression.. "how U doin?" he says.. **Slap** nidi had enough.. Lost like some ummmmm(lost) men.. takes this as foreplay... He thinks "Wow she really wants me!!!!!!!!" He trys to get closer But Nidi stops him.. This is a NO TOUCHY zone.. and makes an imaginery Box around her.. Hmppf Lost is confused.. he likes a woman to tease a lil But this is silly... Where r we goin nidi... he asks.. I am takin you to meet up with Inky and gay ray again.... My friend is takin them to my place.... She knows with Sopaz there and guiding the two men. she has No worries... Meanwhile back to Inky and gay Ray.. Sopaz cant get over how much food Inky can eat... He is starting to make her sick... She thinkin Nidi owes her big time for this.... She herself wondering what food really means to Inky sets up a test... Ohh Inky I have a doughnut.... Or u can have me instead as she caresses her bodyline... No contest,.. Inky Grabs the doughnut and doesnt even chew one gulp its gone..Plzzz No stops Nidzi is right on the Border just go drive fast.... What Inky hasnt clued into is that Nidzi is Nidi... Will they make it to Nidi or will Sopaz fail her mission and let the clueless men take charge....How can she win.. ones gay and ones just wants food.. Unless she puts food all over her to see if Inky will take more notice... How could any man refuse her body?????
Platinum Boarder
Posts: 548
Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 17 Years ago
Karma: 159
It has now been over a month, Inky has stopped at every possible place for food, Gay Ray is sitting in the back with a newspaper, practically drooling over thinking of Prince and designer Matthew Williamson together at London Fashion Week. Sopaz meanwhile is frustrated with both men for not getting her to Nidzi’s place yet. Nidzi has promised to cook spaghetti for Sopaz if she delivers Inky and Gay Ray, but at the rate this is going Sopaz will turn grey before that ever happens. Suddenly Sopaz sees a purple dancing hippo on a sign above a restaurant and is inspired. “Inky, why don’t you stop at that restaurant and get us all something to eat, I’ll have a banana, you men order what you wish. Inky comes out with 3 huge bags of food and hands Sopaz her banana, Gay Ray did not want food so this is mine, says Inky. Well you can’t possibly drive while eating all that food Inky, here give me the keys and you can relax and enjoy your food.
Sopaz chuckles to herself as Inky hands her the keys, her plan has worked, she will have the men at Nidzi’s within an hour…..
Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 17 Years ago
Karma: 0
Mean while, as Sopaz was hurtling down the highway desperate to deliver the ever increasing girth of Inky Winky, and the strange dememented thoughts of Gay Ray, the lost one was having a revelation !!!!!!!.
There is no need for this never ending desire, for only carnal pleasures,( yes once again a miracle had occured, the abilty to THINK was bestowed up him) life offers so many more opportunites.. I will devote my very being for the creation of a great work of art... The likes of which the world has never known, something to make ones very soul weep for joy.
Now as we know dear reader. the abilty of men, to hold a thought for more than 30 seconds has yet to be acheived, so he went back to trying to work out ways, to perk his way though life.:laugh:
At the same time. the consumption of the 3 bags of food, by Inky, was more than the confined space of the car could handle. Sopaz was pressed hard againts the door, desperate to deliver the 2 misguided wanders to Nidi.
Will the vehicle make it.. will she be deliverd from the tormented hell she had been placed in ???????
Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 16 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
Inky was growing and growing, squishing Sopaz and Gay Ray hard against the door frame, when suddenly a huge explosion rent the air !!!!!!!, yes poor Inky's digestive tract could no longer take the build up of gas. The stench was unbearable, Sopaz veered off the side of the road spilling her and Gay Ray from the confines of the vehicle, gasping for fresh air.
Poor Inky was mortified, here he was a sauve debonair man of the world, being reduced to a farting slug, by his inabilty to control his lust for food.
Oh what have I become he lamented, my poor dear mother had given me such a beautiful green suit, I had the power to fly and who knew what other powers.
He felt like his life was not his own, it was as though strange twisted people had control of him, making him do what ever their warped minds could conjure up..
If only I could find my pretty green suit, he thought, there maybe a chance I could get my life back in order.
Suddenly a huge gust of wind whipped up, blowing all manner of debries through the air, but lo and behold, what should he see but.........
Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 16 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
Was that a flash of colour he could see??????? Could it be, would the universe be so kind. ( and predictable) as to magically appear his shiny green suit, just when our poor Inki was at his lowest ebb.
Oh what joy he thought,, jumping up and down.( causing small earth tremours) MY SUIT , MY SUIT, I am saved , I will again have the abilty to fly where I wish, become the handsomest man in the world...
Inky could barely contain his excitment as the speck of colour came closer and closer..
But wait ....... that is no a shiny green colour he sees, but deep angry red, filling the sky, blinding him , causing his very soul to tremble..
When WOOOOOOOOOOSH , landing before him,in a blaze of anger, was his dear old ma..
"You have been a very naughty boy" she says, ( stealing a line from her favorite Monty Python movie).
" No one cares about you any more, so I am here to take you home".
And grabbing hold of Inki Winki's ear , she hauls him off back to his Island home.........
Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 16 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 159
yes folks it has been 8 months and 1 week since inki's ma found him and whisked him away. What has been happening to inki during all that time?
well inki's mother was not pleased that he had lost his green suit that she had given him at the beginning of his journey of his secluded little isle, so at first thinking that she must once and for all teach her son a lesson she has been making him cook his own meals, and clean the house for her... picture inki in the maid's uniform....