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The amazing adventures of Inki Winki
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TOPIC: The amazing adventures of Inki Winki
Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 16 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 159
As Inki sat in the garden in his short sexy skirt, contemplating his situation, he realized he left Matila's so quickly he left his magical green suit behind that his mother gave to him. I can't think, i haven't eaten, i need food.

Suddenly Inki hears a wolf whistle, a man strolling past the garden is standing at the fence learing at him asking, would you like to come home with me? It is early morning and i am sure you haven't had breakfast yet. I'll cook you a nice Irish breakfast and we will see what the afternoon brings.

Inki's mind is debating the situation, but his stomach answers for him... food .... feed me.... mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
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Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 16 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 9
"Se Senor... I am famished! My name is Inkette and if you share your tapas with me... I will surely repay your most generous offer ten fold!"
Very fast thinking on the part of inkie... this time he was goin to get what he truely desired the most at this time... FOOD!
" Well Inkette since you put it that way.. Me Casa Sue Casa" " My name is John and it will be a pleasure to pleasure you my dear" as John wiggles his eyebrows.
Inkette smiled and gave his best girlie giggle he could muster up.<br><br>Post edited by: Padame, at: 2007/07/05 21:58
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Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 16 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 335
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Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 16 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 159
After his shower Inki felt all refreshed and thought once i have food i know i will think of something.

As Inki returned to the kitchen the aroma of food was all he could smell, but John said, oh inkette my dear you smell soooooooooooooo good after your shower and you look even better I could eat you myself.

Inki says oh but i will be much more pleasing once my energy levels are full, and your meal smells wonderful. Let's eat.

Inkie ate 8 slices of Irish bacon, 4 bangers, 4 slices of black pudding, 4 slices of white pudding, 4 eggs, 4 tomatoes,and a loaf of irish soda bread, lets out a big belch and says mmmm nice appetizer.

John stands there in disbelief, that was more than enough food for the two of us and you ate it all by yourself!!! John starts shaking as he thinks of the energy level of this uumm woman. He doesn't want to embarass himself by not being able to keep up. So he starts to make excuses, not quite so anxious to get her into bed any longer.

As Inkette stands up from the table the zipper on her skirt splits open from all the food that has been consumed. John thinks oh dear she is hot to trot now.... whatever shall i do to get myself out of this fix. Then an idea comes into John's head ... well Inkette my darling if you go to the store and replenish my pantry i'll cook more food for you.

Inkette looks down at his skirt his belly hanging out from where the zipper is broken, I can't go to the store like this and i do not have a change of clothes. John replies, well i have no women's clothing but i could let you borrow a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt.

Inki is smiling to himself as he prepares to go to the store thinking ahhhh back in men's clothes and i get more food too. Isn't the traveling life grand. I'm seeing the world, i get free food, there is only one thing missing. No one has noticed how sexy of a man i am, but i take it i make one hell of a woman too.

Suddenly from behind him at John's little house he hears a wild scream. OMG it is Matilda how did she find me?

Inki starts to run as fast as his legs will allow, he is huffing and puffing but still he pushes on, running once again from that burning bush!!!!! I must escape out of Ireland.
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Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 16 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 10
Inky sat on the Blarney Stone and thought. The name Nidi kept reaching out to him, like a song on the Irish sea..luring him to England. He had no option but to follow the voices in his head..
He arrived in Manchester, confused, dishevelled but just in time for the Manchester Gay Pride celebrations. In his cute little outfit many men glanced his way, some even winked. But where was Nidi?? He had to find her, despite his devestating good looks.
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Re:The amazing adventures of Inki Winki 16 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 335
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